
by admin

Crusades !! Crusades are the Front line of Gods Army. Destroying the Kingdom of Darkness and Raising up the Kingdom of God. Together the Advanze Africa Team has organized & preached in over 200 Crusades of all shapes and sizes. Yes we’ve seen cripples healed, the Blind see and many other miracles with multiple thousands of people […]

Children & Youth

by admin

Children and Youth !! This is one of the greatest needs here in East Africa because young people are so often neglected and unreached by the church here. But Advanze Africa is changing that !! In nations where up to 50% are under 15 years of age we are running Children’s Crusades, Youth Training, Children’s Parties and […]

Bible Schools

by admin

IVBI Bible Schools !! Our Bible Schools are Special !! Most Bible Schools in East Africa are expensive and found in the large cities. But not International Victory Bible Institute! We go to the Villages and help them set up their own Bible School in their own Language. King David was a simple Country boy, […]