Children and Youth !!
This is one of the greatest needs here in East Africa because young people are so often neglected and unreached by the church here.
But Advanze Africa is changing that !!
In nations where up to 50% are under 15 years of age we are running Children’s Crusades, Youth Training, Children’s Parties and many other Outreaches. Not only that but we also Train the Local Churches how to start their own ministries where they can both Reach and Disciple the Children and Youth of their Communities!!

“Whoever reaches a nation’s children will determine the future of that nation”

Want to Help ?
$250 can reach around 2000 children with the Gospel and provide them with a small gift & Gospel Tract. $200 can also Train around 10 Churches to start their own Children’s Outreaches and Children’s Church. $100 can Train around 500 youth in Salvation, Wise choices & Christian Leadership. Any donation will be appreciated and make a huge difference in this Vital ministry!!

Children’s Crusade Rwanda